Первый мод>>DAMN:MW 0.61 (CoD4:MW)
- The round end delay can no longer be glitched/extended by selecting another weapon.
- The shoutcaster hud no longer lags servers when there is a spectator in.
- Auto Shotgun and the pump shotgun has been nerfed. The head/chest multipliers have been lowered to base value, but limb damage is the same as before.
- Issues regarding bad registration/excessive tagging is fixed. The hand+feet hitboxes randomly registered, drastically changing the number of bullets required, they now do the same damage as the arms in general.
- "Deadly bolts" for the snipers is now on. The snipers do MUCH more damage to the head+chest. They now do 300+ damage to the chest and 400+ to the head. The snipers can kill through the walls with one shot now.
- The capped firing rates on the semi-auto weapons are now removed.
- The ranges on the silenced weapons have been restored to stock.
- The muzzle flash on weapons is now more transluscent in the first person. The "perfect" medium between promod 3+'s no muzzle flash, and the old stock black powder muzzle flash.
- The head bobbing after the round has a potential fix.
- The won/lost music at the end of a game is now gone.
- The problem of pistol+mp5 bullets not going through the arms to the chest is gone. Now if the hands/arms are blocking the torso/head, it goes through to the heaviest hitbox.
Втарой мод>>Promod 4.22 (CoD4:MW)
Changelog Version 4.22
- Fixed a Shoucaster glitch where you can choose a team after spectating and still have showEnemies on.
- Perk icons on spawn are no longer visible.
- You can no longer kill after the bomb is defused, neither can you kill when everyone has ready up .
- Fixed ready up bug where you could be killed if you switched team, also the kill-counter wont count suicides.
- Removed rank-icon on scoreboard.
- Fixed Attack/Defence when using team say.
- Tweaked ready-up HUD.
- Plant bob bug fixed (Again!).
- Fullbright forced off.
- More commands added to the black list (Lodscalerigide etc..).
- Server will display error when promod isn't in the correct folder (Stop IWD mismatch).
Третий мод>>DAMN:MW v1.55 (CoD4:MW)
Новая версия модификации для Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - DAMN Mod v1.55
Menu Screen revamped - The menu screen has been reworked and now picking weapons couldn’t be easier
Multiplayer options - All the major ingame tweaks such as maxpackets, fps, field of vision are now in the multiplayer options menu
Weapons per side - Players now play as marines on defence and opfor on attack on all maps with certain weapons assigned to each side.
- Ak47
- Mp44
- G3
- Ak74u
- M16
- M4
- M14
- MP5
All other weapons are available to both teams - All silenced weapons have been removed.
The g36c - is now a spec ops weapon bridging the gap between the long range assault weapons and the short rang mp5 and ak74u – it is available to both teams.
Hitbox changes - Hitbox damage multipliers have been changed - previously in call of duty 4 the damage multipliers were 1.4x to the head and 1x to everywhere else. This has now changed to 2x in the head 1.4x neck 1.2x torso 0.8 arms and legs and 0.4 hands and feet. This is to help promote aim and controlled fire of weapons.
Sniper rifles - Headshot does 220 damage and will kill through walls, body shot does 110, arms legs and feet is a major tag.
Sniper rifle un-scope - Works more like cod1 un-scope when standing still, has a high spread when moving still.
M16 - reduced fire rate weapon works similar to a rifle now - two bullets from the burst in the head kills, 3 in the body kills.
G3 – slight nerf in fire rate, this weapon works like a rilfe 2 shots head kill and 3 shots body kill very accurate and now a viable weapon option
M14 - reduced fire rate and clip size of 10 - Weapon does single shot headshot, 2 shots in the chest - works similar to a cod2 rifle
MP5 and AK74u - The weapons have had their range reduced to help stop "sniper ak74u" people across the map. The guns are still very effective close range.
Desert eagle - Reduced rate of fire and slight nerf of damage to adjust it with the new hitboxes. Still a very effective secondary weapon.
SMG - class limit is now 2 per team
Nades - Cooknades have been removed completely, nade damage radius has been reduced by around 30%
Wallbanging - Has been reduced on all weapons and all surfaces by around 10% - it is still possible to get a kill and find out where people are but just slightly less effective
Crosshairs - The crosshair on weapons is now thinner and looks similar to the cod1 crosshair
Hitblips - Visual hitblips are now off - audio hitblips are still on and thud through walls as well as a new dink when head-shotting people
Mini-map – There are now no longer any red dots on the mini map giving away the enemy position and where they are firing from.
Shoutcaster now has a minimap when spectating the game in eyes of players
New score text for players showing the team scores
Flash Grenades - work like CS 1.6 effective when looked at but limited when turning away.
Muzzle flash - has been turned back on but still has all the fps reducing qualities promod had when it was turned off.
Cars and barrels – All exploding cars and barrels have been turned off